For the past ten years, the southern end of rue Saint-Fuscien in Amiens, in the Somme, has been the scene of numerous campaigns for various development works. These were almost as many opportunities to practice monitoring and archaeological diagnostics which, although not contiguous, were the source of new data on a single archaeological fact, fundamental in the history of Amiens: the Way to the Ocean. One of the diagnoses, promising, led to an excavation operation whose results went beyond expectations: an almost total view in section and plan of the Roman road, of a boundary ditch at the opposite edge of the strip traffic. The stratigraphic power there reaches 1.60 m for 2000 years of history. As the development policy seems to be marking time in this area, the time is therefore right to engage in the work of compiling and sharing this new knowledge, which involves in particular the development of a well-argued prospective route of the road and its facilities. Moreover, in order to integrate this study into a broader framework, we propose to put it into perspective with the results of the work of PCR Dynarif, by means of the analysis tools proposed by the latter.