In the commune of Crouy-Saint-Pierre (Somme), impressive remains of habitations were discovered during an aerial survey by Roger Agache. Threatened by deep ploughing and by the extraction of materials, the site was the object of an archaeological investigation conducted by the Direction régionales des Antiquités historiques and by the University of Picardy of Amiens. In order to understand the importance of this rural settlement located on the margins of the alluvial plain of the Somme, walking prospecting was first conducted by the CIRAS and the GAEA, before testing was undertaken, which was followed by a rescue operation. These first excavations thus uncovered several structures of the Late Neolithic and revealed the existence of a large Gallo-Roman villa that was established in two phases of occupation, from the end of the 1st century to the beginning of the 4th century. The first phase seems to be limited in time (during the Tiberian era), but from the beginning of the High Empire, the activity intensified. According to the surveyed architectural plan and the material collected, this elaborate large dwelling could have belonged to a family of high social status. This complex contained in a single or double enclosure system including a set of buildings, pits, attics and cellars, which suggests a group of outbuildings circa villam. The problems of substructure conservation and the lack of follow-up to the excavations prevented the recording necessary for a more precise understanding of this settlement Traduction : John Lynch.