As a tribute to our professor and colleague Jean-Louis Cadoux we have chosen to publish an atypical structure discovered in the sanctuary of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée in the Oise. In a natural subsidence of the ground, similar to a doline/sinkhole, an almost square pit (3 x 2,7 m) was discovered with a depth of almost 3 m. The ceramic deposit was dated from the middle of the 2nd to the end of the 2nd century or the beginning of the 3rd century. This collection is very unusual. With more than 14 000 fragments, it is one of the most important deposit structures in the region. If this assembly does not in any way resemble a domestic dump, one nevertheless detects anomalies as a very small proportion of common dishes with light paste as well as sigillée dishes are found. To this is added the serial character of the illustrated forms (in particular the large number of jattes carénées Bayard 16/18 and Bayard 32 pots) which makes it possible to advance the hypothesis of the use of these containers in a ritual framework, a supposition that the study of fauna questions. The deposit also has 25 coins which testify to the successive occupations of the sanctuary from the La Tène C period between the 2nd and 3rd centuries. If the evidence collected highlights the singular nature of the deposits, the question of the ritual or domestic use of the structure is still raise Traduction : John Lynch