In autumn 2016, in the town of Soupir in the Aisne valley, a preventive excavation was held in «Les Sablons». An area of nearly three hectares has revealed different hollow structures, most of which belong to a phase between the Early Neolithic and the Middle Neolithic II. Other developments belong to more recent periods, notably the Bronze Age and the Hallstatt. Some of features are silos, but the function of many other dug structures remains poorly understood and the chronological relations between these pits are generally not helped by stratigraphy. In fact the very nature of the occupation remains poorly understood, especially since a series of particular artefacts was discovered. This is particularly the case of fauna - mainly composed of deer antlers - and ceramics, which are interpreted as votive deposits. Because far from constituting waste disposal of or trap structures, these elements appear to be in their original position and isolated from other artefacts. These deposits by their singular character question not only their function, but more broadly the interpretation of discoveries of this type. Traduction : John Lynch.