The Centre-Val de Loire region include the endegeneous rocks of the northern edge of the Massif Central and the sedimentary formations oh the south area f the Paris Basin. This area correspond to the middle Loire river basin and the Eure catchment, a tributary of the Seine river. The Pleistocene formations are fossil fluvial formations, lœss loam deposits and slope colluvial soils. Since two decades, geochronological and geoarchaeological studies are systematically carrying out on the fluvial systems of the Creuse, Cher and Loir rivers. Since Early Pleistocene, the reponses to the glacial-interglacial climatic cycles are deposits of sandy and pebbly sheets. Because of the regional épirogenetic surrection, remains of fluvial terraces are stepped on the slopes, This remains often covered some archaeological levels with Mode 1 (Oldowan) then Mode 2 (Acheulian) living floor or prehistoric assemblages closed to coarse slope deposits soliflued on the incised bedrocks. The three last sheets are embedded in the river trench. Since 2012, during preventive archaeological fieldworks by Inrap Institute upstream Orleans, geomorphological and prehistoric studies were led on the fluvial formation in the Loire valley and in Sologne area. A dating grogramm using Electron Spin resonance (ESR) method was led by the geological and mining Researches Bureau (BRGM). Paleodosimetric ages indicate deposits during Middle and Upper Pleistocene. In the Loire, Loir and Cher trench valleys, successives déposits then erosive phases of the recent alluviums and loam covers were observed by Inrap. About ten prehistoric sites were dated. They are closed to the wesichselian Pleniglacial loamy pedocomplex Avalaible data for the loess loam formations déposited on plateaus and slopes were ckecking in the Eure-et-Loir department. Numerous of the deposits are two or three metres think, but three formations, four to six meters thick, were observed at Chaudon, and excavated at Bonneval, Illiers-Combray, Courville and Mainvilliers. Paleosedimentary and OSL data are now avalaible a for the two sequences of loess deposited then alterated during the upper Middle Pleistocene. The first sequence was deposited from MIS 12, and the second correspond to the Eemian-Weichselian soils Complex. Middle Palaeolithic (Mode 3) artefacts are present since MIS 8. In Touraine area, preventive fieldworks and excavations were carried on the Gâtines Tourangelles plateaus. The loessic loam sequences were deposited just before and during the last glacial and interglacial Cycle. Lithic artifacts have Midlle and early Upper Palaleolithic typologies. Those data could be now in comparison with the data obtained in the northern areas of France, at once for the pedosedimentary sequences and the various technotypologies of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic assemblages.