This monograph on the “EP1-Epagnette” wreck is the fruit of an interdisciplinary research programme into fluvial and fluvio-maritime transport in the Middle Ages and the Modern period in the Hauts-de-France region. This research was conducted by the Laboratory of Western Medieval studies of Paris (La MOP, UMR 8589, CNRS - Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), dir. Eric Rieth. This collective publication is organised in four parts, with additional annexes. After an introduction dealing with nautical archaeology in a regional context, the first part concerns the history of the wreck, its localization, the methodological choice of a kind of nautical archaeology which relates the architectural remains of the wreck to its river environment, the scheduled excavations (2011-2019). Thus, it is the Epagnette wreck taken as a fluvial archaeological site in the widest sense, and not merely the preserved remains of the wreck itself, that are under scrutiny. In accordance with this extensive archaeological approach, the second part of the monograph presents an analysis of the fluvial environment of the site of Epagnette. The third part, the most detailed, is entirely dedicated to the comprehensive study of the wreck, its hull and freight: dating of the constituent wood and of the cargo of tiles, taphonomy of the wreckage, the architecture proper of the boat, from the preserved remains to the architectural reconstruction and its significance in relation to the regional river navigation, and lastly the nature and the organisation of the cargo. Even if this third part is more precisely dedicated to the wreck itself, this last and its territory are constantly considered in relation to the analysis of the Epagnette river site. The fourth part, finally, deals with two questions: the technical modes of navigation on the river Somme in the 18th century, and the technical and economic structure of inland water transport on the river Somme in the Modern period. This then is an attempt to reconstitute in its entirety the history of a river boat of the second half of the 18th century and of its nautical space, a history that shows what the landscape of the riverbed of the Somme and its banks was like in the time of the boat, a history of the building techniques used (from the raw materials to their elaboration, of the structure and the shape of the hull), of the function and the nautical environment of the boat, of its cargo, of the nature of regional water transportation in the 18th century. Thus, with all these historical aspects, it is a local boat of Picardy considered as an “actor and witness of history” (François Beaudouin) that is at the heart of this book. Traduction : Margaret & Jean-Louis CADOUX