The Merovingian necropolis at Goudelancourt-les-Pierrepont (located in the north-east of the 
departement of the Aisne, Picardy) was the subject of a scheduled rescue excavation from 1981 to 1987. Four hundred and fifty-eight burials were excavated. They correspond to three nuclei, and were divided into two contemporaneous but clearly separate cemeteries. The anthropological analysis was published in 1994.

The layout of this necropolis in two cemeteries with differently orientated burials, is uncommon. The chronology established by Rene Legoux allows the evolution of this funerary complex to be traced from the beginning of the sixth century to the early years of the eighth century. The most frequently found chronological stages at Goudelancourt are those of the second half of the sixth century and the first half of the seventh century. The presence of funerary enclosures was shown within the two cemeteries. In spite of the damage caused by ploughing and grave plundering, the finds, if fairly common, are relatively numerous, with some rather exceptional items, such as the carved lid ofa,sarcophagus, several funerary steles, one of which, identified as a corbel, implies the existence nearby of a funerary building made of stone. To this set of stone artefacts may be added several bird brooches of an uncommon type, a pyxis, some pieces of the decoration of a leather bag. Pottery, clothing accessories, such as belt buckles or buckle-plates, jewels and weapons are well represented.

The discovery, and the full or partial excavation, between 1988 and 2001, of three groups of dwellings scattered along the valley, in the immediate vicinity of the necropolis, adds even more to the scientific interest of the site.