Thanks to their frequency in the Aisne valley the Neolithic sites brought to light three deposits of saddle querns : that of “ Le Vieux Tordoir” at Berry-au-Bac, that of “Les Fontinettes” at Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes and that of “Le Dessus des Groins“ at Vasseny (Aisne). The meaning of these deposits wavers between dumping sites and symbolic acts: their various shapes (the nature and lay-out of the tools, the pit type) point to different intentions. We propose to hold the term deposit of saddle querns to a codified type of action which preserves the integrity of the saddle querns, pestles and sometimes percussion tools. The hypothesis of a temporary deposit of tools used in the domestic activities of the linear bent ceramic era or belonging to cycles of particular maintenance, is discussed here.