The study of the Estrées-Saint-Denis “Le Moulin des Hayes” antique built-up area bears on two distinct cultural entities : the sanctuary, and its environment, both belonging to the same sacred area. Comparing the archeological data obtained from the two sites has led to an initial understanding of the processes which conditioned their development in parallel. The “Sablons” excavation produced an exceptionally new feature : a secondary urban conglomerate, rendered even more interesting by ils Gallic origin.

The dwelling development process is analysed in detail : grouped native dwellings as from La Tene D1, urban development as from the 2nd century A. D. Six stages are explored. Annexed to the analysis are detailed descriptions of dwelling structures for all different periods, with a catalogue of associated movables items. Finally the studied relationship between the various excavated areas correlates the stages applying to the sanctuary, and to the habitat. The “Moulin des Hayes” and “Sablons” sites can therefore find their places in their regional historical context.