The excavation carried out in 2010 on the ZAC (industrial development area) of “Les Verriers” at Villers-Cotterêts (Aisne) gave the team the opportunity to observe at least three successive occupancies, from the Late Bronze Age to the Roman and the Carolingian periods. This excavation contributes to a field of research that is becoming increasingly focused on this border area, for which little archaeological information has so far been available. This excavation, as well as the various excavations and diagnoses carried out in the surrounding area – notably the recently discovered Iron Age II occupancies in the neighboring plot of land (DESPLANQUE & GAULTIER 2014) – shows the permanence of long-term occupancy in this area of Villers-Cotterêts from at least the Late Bronze Age and probably up until Modern times.

Traduction : Margaret & Jean-louis CADOUX