The excavation conducted from 1 December 2010 to 8 March 2011 on 1 120 m² in the historic city center of Senlis, revealed a high density of remains from antiquity to Modern Times. The site is located east of the antique urbs, but inside the thirteenth century walls. The occupation of the first century to the dawn of the fifth century. is illustrated by the construction of baths and outbuildings, cellars, and finally the gradual desertion of the site in favor of a defensive system ditched. Once the enclosure is completed, the population and crafts move intramural. The Early Middle Ages is not represented here, but from the late eleventh and early thirteenth century , a significant densification of the building is observed up to modern times. A large hotel and college with annexes occupies the center of the site while in the north , develop shops, inns and habitat on vaulted cellars, overlooking the street Bellon. The reuse of most of masonry to the XVIII- XIX centuries is significant metamorphosis of the frame in this remarkably dense urban block, organized around strong and durable axes such as decumanus Bellon north of the plot and the street, Old and Royal Street to the east of the site.